This product is as Scottish as it gets, from the solid hardwood shield to the tartan itself.
All unique designs have been approved by the Standing Council of Scottish Clan Chiefs
Size: size: 254mm x 304mm (10" x 12")
We do not keep these wall plaques in stock, but we are able to have your order made and shipped to NZ. Please allow around 6 to 10 weeks for delivery.
You can have any surname (and spelling) on the name plaque, and your choice of clan crest and clan tartan (if there is more than one available) as well as either a light or dark coloured wood base. Please just let us know your specifications using the "Comments for Staff" box at checkout.
These can also be ordered as a Wedding Plaque with 2 crests and surnames on a single base. Kindly email us for more details on these.
Available Options
Allison Modern
Anderson Modern
Angus Modern
Armstong Ancient
Armstrong Modern
Baird Modern
Baird Ancient
Barclay Dress Modern
Barclay Htg. Modern
Black Weathered
Black Watch Weathered
Black Watch Dress Modern
Black Watch No.2 Modern
Blair Modern
Blue Ancient
Boyd Modern
Brodie Htg. Modern
Brodie Htg. Ancient
Brodie Red Modern
Brown Modern
Brown Watch Modern
Bruce Modern
Buchanan Htg. Modern
Buchanan Modern
Buchanan Ancient
Buchanan Reproduction Weathered
Caledonia New Modern
Caledonia New Ancient
Cameron Clan Modern
Cameron Locheil Htg. Ancient
Cameron Locheil Modern
Campbell Ancient Htg. Weathered
Campbell Argyll Modern
Campbell Argyll Ancient
Campbell Breadalbane Modern
Campbell Cawdor Modern
Campbell Dress Modern
Carnegie Modern
Chisholm Htg. Modern
Chisholm Htg. Ancient
Chisholm Strathglass Modern
Clergy Blue Modern
Clergy Green Modern
Cockburn Modern
Colquhoun Modern
Colquhoun Ancient
Cooper Modern
Craig Modern
Crawford Modern
Crawford Ancient
Culloden Dress Modern
Cumming Red Modern
Cumming Htg. Modern
Cunningham Modern
Davidson Modern
Davidson Ancient
Douglas Grey Modern
Douglas Modern
Douglas Ancient
Doune Modern
Drummond Perth Modern
Dunbar Modern
Duncan Modern
Duncan Ancient
Earl St. Andrews Modern
Elgin Modern
Elliot Modern
Erskine Black/White Modern
Erskine Red/Green Modern
Farquharson Modern
Farquharson Ancient
Ferguson Modern
Ferguson Ancient
Fletcher Dunans Modern
Forbes Dress Modern
Forbes Modern
Forbes Ancient
Forrester Htg. Modern
Forrester Modern
Forsyth Ancient
Fraser Htg. Modern
Fraser Htg. Ancient
Fraser Red Modern
Fraser Red Muted Weathered
Galbraith Modern
Galbraith Ancient
Galloway Red Modern
Georgia Modern
Gordon Dress Modern
Gordon Modern
Gordon Ancient
Gordon Red Modern
Gordon Red Muted Weathered
Gordon Red Ancient
Graham Menteith Modern
Graham Menteith Ancient
Graham Montrose Modern
Graham Montrose Ancient
Grant Red Modern
Grant Red Ancient
Gunn Modern
Gunn Ancient
Hamilton Green Modern
Hamilton Green Ancient
Hamilton Red Modern
Hay Dress Modern
Hay Modern
Henderson Modern
Henderson Ancient
Holyrood Modern
Hume Modern
Hume Ancient
Innes Red Modern
Jardine Dress Modern
Johnstone Modern
Johnstone Ancient
Keith Modern
Keith Ancient
Kennedy Modern
Kennedy Ancient
Kerr Modern
Kerr Ancient
Kilgour Modern
Lamont Modern
Lamont Ancient
Lauder Modern
Leslie Dress Red Modern
Leslie Modern
Leslie Ancient
Lindsay Modern
Lindsay Ancient
Logan Modern
Logan Ancient
MacAllister Modern
MacAlpine Modern
MacArthur Modern
MacArthur Ancient
MacAulay Red Modern
MacBean Modern
MacBeth Modern
MacCallum Old Modern
MacCallum Old Ancient
MacDonald Clanranald Modern
MacDonald Clanranald Muted Weathered
MacDonald Clanranald Ancient
MacDonald Dress Modern
MacDonald Glengarry Modern
MacDonald Glengarry Ancient
MacDonald Isles Htg. Modern
MacDonald Isles Htg. Ancient
MacDonald Keppoch Modern
MacDonald Lord Isles Blue Modern
MacDonald Lord Isles Green Modern
MacDonald Modern
MacDonald Ancient
MacDougall Modern
MacDuff Dress Modern
MacDuff Htg. Modern
MacDuff Red Modern
MacEwan Modern
MacEwan Ancient
MacFarlane Htg. Modern
MacFarlane Htg. Ancient
MacFarlane Red Modern
MacGillvray Modern
MacGregor Htg. Modern
MacGregor Modern
MacGregor Ancient
MacInnes Htg. Modern
MacInnes Htg. Ancient
MacIntosh Htg. Modern
MacIntosh Htg. Ancient
MacIntosh Red Modern
MacIntyre Htg. Ancient
MacIntyre Modern
MacIntyre Red Modern
MacIvor Modern
Mackay Blue Modern
Mackay Blue Ancient
Mackay Modern
Mackay Dutch Modern
Mackay Strathnaver Modern
Mackenzie Modern
Mackenzie Ancient
Mackenzie Dress Modern
Mackinlay Modern
MacKinnon Htg. Modern
MacKinnon Htg. Ancient
MacKinnon Red Modern
MacLaine Lochbuie Modern
MacLaren Modern
MacLaren Ancient
MacLaughlan Red Modern
MacLean Duart Modern
MacLean Duart Ancient
MacLean Htg. Ancient
MacLean Hunting Modern
MacLellan Ancient
MacLeod Dress (Lewis) Modern
MacLeod Htg (Harris) Modern
MacLeod Htg (Harris) Ancient
MacLeod Red Modern
MacMillan Ancient Modern
MacMillan Ancient Ancient
MacMillan Htg. Modern
MacMillan Htg. Ancient
MacNab Modern
MacNaughton Modern
MacNeill Htg. (Barra) Modern
MacNeill Htg. (Barra) Ancient
MacNicol Htg. Modern
MacNicol Red Modern
MacPhee Modern
MacPhee Ancient
MacPherson Dress Modern
MacPherson Htg. Modern
MacPherson Red Modern
MacPherson Red Muted Weathered
MacQuarrie Modern
MacQueen Modern
MacRae Conchra Dress Modern
MacRae Dress Modern
MacRae Grey Dress Modern
MacRae Htg. Modern
MacRae Htg. Ancient
MacRae Red Modern
MacTaggart Modern
MacTavish Modern
MacThomas Modern
MacThomas Ancient
Malcolm Modern
Maple Leaf Modern
Mathieson Htg. Modern
Mathieson Red Modern
Maxwell Modern
Melville Modern
Melville Ancient
Menzies Black/White Modern
Menzies Htg. Modern
Menzies Red/White Dress Modern
MenziesNavy/White Modern
Moffat Clan Weathered
Montgomery Modern
Morrison Ancient
Morrison Red Modern
Munro Modern
Murray Atholl Modern
Murray Atholl Ancient
Musselburgh Ancient Ancient
Napier Modern
Nova Scotia Modern
Ogilvie Htg. Modern
Portree Modern
Princess Mary Modern
Ramsay Blue Modern
Ramsay Red Modern
Robertson Htg. Modern
Robertson Htg. Muted Weathered
Robertson Htg. Ancient
Robertson Red Modern
Robertson Red Ancient
Rose Htg. Modern
Rose Htg. Ancient
Ross Htg. Modern
Ross Htg. Ancient
Ross Red Modern
Rothsey Red Modern
Royal Canadian Air Force Weathered
Saffron Weathered
Scotland 2000 Weathered
Scotland's National Modern
Scotland's National Ancient
Scott Black/White Modern
Scott Brown Modern
Scott Brown Ancient
Scott Green Modern
Scott Green Ancient
Scott Red Modern
Scott Red Muted Weathered
Shaw Modern
Shepherd Black/White Weathered
Sinclair Green Modern
Sinclair Green Ancient
Sinclair Red Modern
Smith Modern
Smith Ancient
Spirit of Scotland Weathered
Stewart Appin Htg. Anc. Ancient
Stewart Appin Red Modern
Stewart Atholl Modern
Stewart Black Modern
Stewart Camel Modern
Stewart Dress Blue Muted Weathered
Stewart Dress Muted Weathered
Stewart Htg. Modern
Stewart Htg. Muted Weathered
Stewart Htg. Ancient
Stewart Navy Modern
Stewart Prince Charles Ed. Modern
Stewart Royal Modern
Stirling Modern
Strathisla Weathered
Stuart Bute Htg. Modern
Sutherland Ancient Modern
Sutherland Ancient Ancient
Tara Weathered
Thomson Camel Weathered
Thomson Dress Blue Modern
Thomson Dress Grey Modern
Thomson Htg. Ancient
Urquhart Ancient Modern
Urquhart Ancient Ancient
US Air Force (Not Official) Weathered
US Army Weathered
US Forces (Thurso) Weathered
US Marines (Leathernecks) Weathered
US Navy (Edzell) Weathered
US Sea Bees Weathered
Wallace Htg. Green Ancient
Wallace Red Modern
Watson Ancient
Young Modern